Avoid Scams and Fraud

Protect Your Family, Your Finances & Your Information!

Never give out financial information to anyone who calls you over the phone. (Example: bank account number, social security number, PayPal info, etc.)

AffordableHousing.com does not store credit cards and will never ask for your social security number. Tenants will never receive a phone call from AffordableHousing.com asking for payment for any reason or to verify personal or financial information over the phone.

Renters should always deal with owners and property managers whom you can meet in person. Do not ever wire transfer funds to an unknown individual.

Always confirm that the person you are dealing with is an owner or a licensed agent of the property. Only deal with owners/agents who will allow you to access and view the property before exchanging money.

Check with the County Assessor's office to verify that the owner with whom you are communicating is the actual owner of the property.

If you have any doubts about the ownership or representation of an agent, check with the public housing agency (PHA) before exchanging any funds.

How to Spot Rental Scams

Be skeptical if:

  • anyone wants a security deposit before showing you the property
  • anyone asks for a Western Union or Moneygram transfer in exchange for showing you a home or holding it for you
  • a property costs significantly less than other homes in the neighborhood
  • owners or property managers only want to communicate with you via email instead of face-to-face
  • owners are from another country and request a deposit to be sent to them

Help Us Fight Internet Fraud

Call (toll-free 1-866-466-7328) or email us if you suspect fraud.

Also, report fraud to the FTC's toll-free hotline: 877-FTC-HELP (877-382-4357)